High Reliability
Electronic Components


With more than 4 million part listings, we choose the best suppliers to provide full turnkey solutions to our customers.

Spirit offers DDR4, DDR3, DDR2, LPDDR and Flash memory as MOTS

Spirit Electronics’ MOTS (military-off-the-shelf) memory products are rigorously tested for reliability in a wide range of applications. They are optimized for performance, power and security.

The screened memory is fully characterized and tested over extended temperatures at full speed, which is the only way to verify the device can withstand the harsh environments of the A&D market. View the screening flow and specifications for our upscreened DDR4.

With Spirit MOTS, our customers gain a competitive advantage, accelerate their time-to-market, eliminate roadblocks and simplify logistics. Call us today for samples or to discuss your design, (480) 998-1533.

Learn more about upscreened memory in this episode of Spirit: Behind the Screen, our Spirit Electronics podcast:

Spirit: Behind the Screen podcast

Episode 2: Zef Malik and the DDR4: Can Your Product Perform?

Zef Malik talks with Marti McCurdy about why memory speed needs to become faster and why it buys critical minutes in the military mission. Memory is the backbone of a board, and technology is always pushing toward faster communication.

Wafers & Die

Spirit Electronics is a franchised distributor for wafers and die.

Integrated Die & Module Solutions include:

  • Xilinx FPGA Die
  • Memory/ADC MCM
  • SiP – System in Package
  • MCM – Multiple Chip Module
  • MCP – Multiple Chip Package
  • MEMS & Sensor Integration
Silicon wafer and die sales

Product News

AMD Xilinx Versal ACAP @ Spirit Electronics
Advancing Aerospace & Defense Applications with the AMD Xilinx Versal ACAP
AMD Xilinx rolled out the first Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platform (ACAP) device in 2021. The high-reliability XQR
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Intelligent Memory high-mix, low-volume DDR, DRAM and NAND flash now at Spirit Electronics
Intelligent Memory Added to Spirit Line Card
Spirit Electronics announces authorized distribution for Intelligent Memory high-mix low-volume DDR, DRAM and NAND flash memory components.
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