Scanning Electron Microscopy Lab Services
Are you searching for the services of a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) lab for help with electronics failure analysis and root cause analysis? Spirit offers scanning electron microscopy lab services to clients worldwide in support of electronic component failure analysis and root cause analysis.
What is Scanning Electron Microscopy?
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is an electronics failure analysis tool used to examine surfaces and particles of electronic components and materials. SEM is a technique capable of imaging structures and materials at resolutions well beyond the limits of optical microscopy.
A scanning electron microscope is a microscope that can produce images of an object as small as 1nm. The microscope’s electron beam interacts with the object’s surface creating signals of x-rays, secondary electrons and backscatter electrons. These signals are used to form a high-resolution image that appears 3D.
Scanning Electron Microscopy and Electronics Failure Analysis
The process of interpreting SEM images to track down defects in electronic components requires extensive training and experience.
SEM is an extremely powerful technique in the hands of experienced microscopists that specialize in electronics failure anlaysis.
SEM is used to identify many types of defects and failure mechanisms in a vast array of electronic components. The IAL’s SEM department has decades of experience using SEM to identify numerous failure mechanisms, including:
- Metallurgical Failure Analysis
- Wafer Lot Acceptance
- Elemental Analysis (EDS)
- Large area image acquisition (SEM Mosaics)
- Solder Analysis
- Circuit Extraction
- Process Analysis
- Intellectual Property Analysis
- Reverse Engineering
- Patent Research
Contact Us for Help with Electronics Failure Analysis and Root Cause Analysis
When an electric component fails, our engineers utilize various failure analysis processes, tools and techniques including SEM. With a very high degree of accuracy, they will determine why your device failed and how to prevent future failures. Scanning electron microscopy is one of our most powerful tools for identifying electronic component defects.
Our team of SEM experts possesses unsurpassed industry experience and accumulated knowledge. The IAL scanning electron microscopy lab services team routinely supports failure analysis and root cause analysis for a global array of clients.
Do you need the services of a Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) lab? IAL is an electronics failure analysis lab specializing in the use of SEM for defect and root cause analysis.