Spirit Receives Supplier Excellence Award at the 2024 Honeywell Space Supplier Summit

Daniel Rowan and Travis Ireland accept the Supplier Excellence Award at the Honeywell Space Supplier Summit 2024

Spirit Electronics received the Supplier Excellence Award at the Honeywell Space Supplier Summit this month. This annual event recognizes and celebrates outstanding contributions from Honeywell’s suppliers who have consistently demonstrated excellence.

Account Representative Daniel Rowan and Purchasing Coordinator Travis Ireland accepted the award on behalf of Team Spirit. “This award is testament to the team’s unwavering commitment to innovation, quality, and customer service,” says Spirit CEO Marti McCurdy.

Spirit is able to offer responsive and agile customer service to customers like Honeywell because of the dedicated team support and streamlined end-to-end supply chain services. This past year, Spirit added automated real-time reporting for order management and supply chain transparency. Customers are able to monitor the status of orders and expected ship dates with these updates from Spirit’s AI A.L.I.C.E. (Automated Logistics Informative Custom Export). Not only does the tool keep customers informed, but it allows Spirit’s team to achieve award-winning on-time-delivery performance.

Spirit supports customers in the aerospace and defense supply chain with authorized distribution and a range of test and assembly services that include MIL-STD-883 testing, circuit card assembly and device analysis. We monitor both on-time-delivery and lot-acceptance rates to achieve customer satisfaction and product quality and safety.

Honeywell Aerospace Technologies supports commercial space, space agencies, and defense programs. The company’s accomplishments include products in avionics, systems, and assemblies for aircraft, small satellites, and recent NASA missions. Approximately 80% of satellites in orbit have Honeywell on board.

Congratulations to Daniel, Travis, and the Spirit team on your well-deserved award.

Spirit Electronics Rolls Out E-commerce for Streamlined Supply Chain Support

e-commerce shopping cart icon on chip component

Spirit Electronics rolled out a new e-commerce store for rapid component procurement. The feature will support customers in the aerospace and defense supply chain as well as offer Spirit’s inventory to customers in electric vehicle, medical and industrial markets. Spirit’s part and inventory search now features a secure shopping cart and credit card checkout option for customers to buy directly from Spirit’s online stock.

Spirit’s e-commerce site also uses API integration to sell in-stock components directly from the Texas Instruments online store. TI is the first supplier among Spirit’s authorized distribution manufacturers to integrate with Spirit’s e-commerce option. Spirit plans to expand the integration to more suppliers in the future.

Current stock includes a range of components from all of Spirit’s authorized lines, with the option to request a quote for any part among Spirit’s authorized manufacturers. The streamlined e-commerce purchase option offers variable quantity purchases with the benefits of Spirit’s customer service and physical and digital security measures, which include counterfeit prevention, cybersecurity compliance, and customer information protection.

“This is a new business channel for Spirit with dedicated internal support in our warehouse for rapid order fulfillment,” says Spirit CEO Marti McCurdy. “E-commerce offers convenience and speed for our customers with access to live inventory at Spirit and at TI.”

Spirit’s e-commerce store will feature strategically stocked high-demand components based on customer part searches, and stocking requests are welcome. The store is convenient for prototyping, low- or variable-volume orders, and “high-runner” components. Customers will have the option to order a certificate of conformance for components sold through the store, but the streamlined nature of Spirit’s e-commerce will exempt store orders from more complex testing and purchase requirements. Customers will still be able to request a quote for these services through the store for access to Spirit’s full range of testing and value-added services.

“Both our customers and suppliers have been asking Spirit for this feature because they want quick access to Spirit’s secure and agile distribution chain,” explains McCurdy. “Spirit is always looking for ways to streamline our supply chain, and this e-commerce store meets the growing demand for faster and easier component delivery.”

Spirit Electronics Wins Silver Award at BAE Systems Partner 2 Win Supplier Symposium

Spirit Wins BAE Partner 2 Win Supplier Award 2023

CEO Marti McCurdy, Dir. of Program Management Ivan Santana and Dir. of Technical Sales Sean MacDonald accept the BAE Partner 2 Win award in Austin, Texas.  

Spirit Electronics achieved a Silver Supplier award at the 2023 BAE Systems Partner 2 Win Supplier Symposium in Austin, Texas. CEO Marti McCurdy, Director of Program Management Ivan Santana and Director of Technical Sales Sean Macdonald attended the awards ceremony to receive the award on behalf of the Spirit team. Spirit was among 55 Gold and Silver Suppliers recognized at the event.

“We are happy to have our efforts to support the defense supply chain recognized for yet another year,” says Spirit CEO Marti McCurdy. Spirit has been an award-winning BAE supplier for the six years since McCurdy took the helm. “BAE truly approaches the supply chain with partnership in mind, and we have worked hard to build a supplier relationship with them that continues to deliver quality products that fit their program needs,” she says.

Spirit Electronics is among 816 small and diverse businesses in the BAE supply chain, which will spend over 2 billion dollars in 2023. BAE’s small business commitment states, “We recognize that small business partners contribute to our innovative processes, support of the war fighter, job creation and the overall economic health of United States economy.” As a veteran-owned, woman-owned, HUBZone small business employing multiple veterans, supporting military and defense programs is particularly important to the Spirit team.

Spirit Electronics serves as an authorized distributor for electronic components for BAE Systems, as well as offering value-added services essential to the defense supply chain such as ASIC design and logistics, MIL-STD-883 reliability testing and circuit card assembly.

Advancing Aerospace & Defense Applications with the AMD Xilinx Versal ACAP

AMD Xilinx Versal ACAP @ Spirit Electronics

AMD Xilinx rolled out the first Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platform (ACAP) device in 2021. The high-reliability XQR and XQ Versal devices released in 2022 are qualified and ruggedized for military and aerospace applications, onboard computing and data processing is accelerating just when commercial space, low-Earth orbit missions, and New Space are booming.

With the speed of advancement in the A&D industry, adoption can be a challenge. Design, qualification and supporting technology can be important factors in taking advantage of a device with capabilities as intensive as the Versal.

What Can ACAP Do in A&D?

The Versal ACAP offers programmable logic capabilities beyond the FPGA. Where the FPGA required more hardware programming, the Versal platform allows for more advanced reconfiguration by incorporating artificial intelligence and machine learning. This increases computing power and flexibility while in orbit or in ops, allowing computing to adapt to mission needs.

Applications for satellite and commercial space missions include cloud and internet connectivity, high-speed networking, and greater data processing and control for radar, GPS and instrumentation. In-flight programming opens a wide range of possibilities for reconfiguration across the life of the mission.

Applied on ground and air defense operations, the Versal is optimized for sensor systems, networking, wireless data processing, and radar applications. Adaptable AI features allow reprogramming to adjust to new and evolving algorithms.

Versal Qualification for Defense

The XQ Versal uses ruggedized packaging options to protect device operations in harsh and high-reliability operations. AMD Xilinx has over 30 years of heritage in military and defense support, and the new XQ Versal includes design considerations unique to the industry.

The defense-grade Versal comes with MIL-STD-883 Group D qualification testing, with extended temperature range from –55°C to +125°C. Packaging meets MIL-PRF-38535 requirements for tin-lead (3% Pb) to protect solder from whiskering.

The XQ Versal package design also considers ease of assembly where military and defense applications often require conformal coating to protect the assembled board. The open-lid package is unique to the XQ Versal to simplify board assembly and prevent manufacturing chemicals from being trapped in the device before sealing.

AMD Xilinx includes anti-counterfeit laser marking, micro watermarking and 2D bar coding to advance supply chain security for Versal devices.

Versal Qualification for Space and New Space

The XQR Versal is radiation tolerant, ideal for low-Earth orbit environments common among satellite and commercial space programs. It is capable of supporting 5- to 7-year missions, allowing in-orbit reconfiguration and programming throughout the mission life. The XQR Versal is radiation tolerant to MIL-STD-883 Class B.

Ecosystem of Products to Support the Versal ACAP

The new ACAP approach to in-flight computing requires power, memory and an ecosystem of advanced components supporting the Versal. Spirit Electronics brings the best technical support in the business from our advanced OCMs to make sure your board design can support the Versal.

    • The Versal ACAP comes with a hardened integrated DDR Memory Controller (DDRMC) and includes programmable network on chip (NOC) for advanced interconnectivity. Performing inside the board ecosystem, any additional memory supporting the Versal must be DDR4 or more advanced memory. Spirit offers space-qualified DDR4 memory capable of supporting the Versal.

    • Texas Instruments power management ICs support the Versal’s higher-current processor loads. TI’s flight heritage also offers power management with rad-hard and rad-tolerant qualifications for components ready to fly space and harsh-environment missions.

The ACAP Moves A&D Forward

Building on the FPGA’s programmable logic and customizable applications, the Versal ACAP brings computing into the next evolution of AI and machine learning integration for faster, connected processing. As the volume of data in New Space and defense applications grows, the ACAP offers advanced processing to manage, communicate and adapt to demanding missions. With in-ops advanced reprogramming capabilities, the Versal ACAP extends mission life and success for aerospace and defense applications.

Improving Computing with Advanced Device Architecture

The 7nm Versal ACAP is fully programmable heterogeneous computing using Scalar, Adaptable, and Intelligent Engines that improve on previous AMD Xilinx FPGA and SoC devices for the highest- and fastest-performing programmable logic.

Small Businesses Support Big Programs: 5 Reasons to Go Small in Aerospace & Defense

Spirit Electronics sent a letter to the White House last week in support of an increased budget for the F-35 Lightning II program. The letter was co-signed by ten small businesses across the United States who are part of the F-35 supply chain. Lockheed Martin’s F-35 assembly line is currently planning to produce 156 planes per year in 2023 and onward. The small business requested increase would support an additional 100 planes per year to be delivered to the US Armed Forces and international allies.

This manufacturing schedule would be impossible without the support of our nation’s small businesses. Spirit Electronics takes pride in supporting the only 5th generation fighter jet protecting our troops and national security worldwide. The program means more than just military security for many businesses. It can also mean economic security. Such far-reaching manufacturing programs bring jobs and economic investment to local communities across the nation. 

If you’re looking for a partner for your next A&D program, here are 5 reasons why a small business can go above and beyond.

1. Dedicated & Agile Program Support

Spirit has 17 personnel dedicated to supporting the F-35 supply chain. With a team of about 25 members, this would be most of our business! But Team Spirit supports multiple customer programs among government prime contractors.

Our team has the flexibility to support multiple programs with our customer service and advanced business systems. We invested in customizing a powerful ERP system to manage purchase orders and shipment dates that offers real-time updates and reporting. We can manage your program’s full BOM (bill of materials) to order all your components from across the supply chain. We can cross reference part numbers to get you the best product for your needs.

With the allocation environment in the electronics market, order dates are at risk of moving out and lead times are extending. Spirit’s customer support can stay on top of your order dates, inform you of changes and take action to pull in or adjust order deliveries proactively.

In small business, we are used to cross training and filling many roles. Collaboration is easier. We can customize our testing services and logistics services, like SMI programs, and bring all your parts and services under one purchase order.

2. Responsive Product Quality and Safety

Spirit operates with an AS9100-certified quality management system that supports every aspect of our business. While also certified under ISO9001, AS9100 certification means operating with an understanding of product quality and safety in mission-critical aerospace programs. Being a small business with AS9100 lets us train our team and develop our processes to meet requirements more easily.

When your product comes in the door, we perform inspections, use ESD control and handling procedures and have a secure and environmentally controlled warehouse for your inventory. Our XRF analysis and test programs provide you with product data to guarantee your lot meets aerospace and defense requirements.

We manage the quality of your supply chain for you. Our inspections stop orders with documentation errors and physical defects. We resolve quality issues before parts ship to you. We work with each of our suppliers to make sure that your order is complete, handled properly, documented and shipped with quality and product safety top of mind.

As a small team, every employee is trained in ESD control, counterfeit prevention, ITAR and product safety. Our safety awareness is greater and can be more easily embedded in our daily operations.

3. Industry Specialization

As a small business, we can specialize our services and team training for the aerospace industry. We know the ins-and-outs of aerospace and defense regulatory requirements and industry challenges. Being specialized lets us make sure we understand and meet requirements on every order.

Our team understands the contract review process, and we have grown relationships with our manufacturers to make sure we work together to meet your order requirements. We set up our business programs to manage ITAR, counterfeit prevention and cybersecurity. When you order from us, you can be confident that your supply chain is supporting A&D regulatory programs.

4. Community and Economic Investment

When you buy with small businesses, you support local communities. This holds true at Spirit Electronics. The F-35 Lightning II program, while a national operation, generates over $1 billion in economic impact for our state of Arizona. Of the 1,800 businesses supporting the F-35 Lightning II, over 1,000 are small businesses providing more than 250,000 jobs nationally.

We invest our revenue back into our small business. We have hired new employees and trained team members new to aerospace and defense, growing our industry’s talent. Our Phoenix facility started as a vacant suite in a HUBZone, but we have invested in full building renovations. We now have 2,000 sq ft of warehouse space along with a test lab and a contract manufacturing line.

And we didn’t stop there. We started Spirit Gives, our nonprofit that is hosting events and drives to support our local neighborhood kids and families. Small business economic impact can reach communities on a local and personal level.

5. Small Business Spend Credit

Small Business spending credits can be a cherry on top of going small with your supply chain partners. The federal government requires a certain amount of federal contract dollars to be awarded to businesses in certain categories. By working with a small business, your program can meet contract requirements in these spending categories. The government’s goal is to diversify its supply chain in recognition of the critical economic growth and investment small businesses provide.

Spirit is a veteran-owned, woman-owned small business with HUBZone certification. We are certified with the Small Business Administration to meet these ownership qualities. Our HUBZone certification supports our investment in revitalizing our local community. Credit toward the federal program helps make sure that we continue our local economic impact.

Small Business Partners

Small Businesses are expert innovators with highly skilled teams offering quick service. Your program, like the F-35 Lightning II, can benefit from skilled and agile support, specialized services and the opportunity for community economic investment.

To work with Spirit Electronics, get a quote for a single part or even upload your full BOM for us to help you review. And don’t forget to ask about your testing, value-add and logistics options so your parts arrive ready to use.

Spirit’s Veterans Continue to Support the Military Mission: Veteran Owned, Veteran Driven

Spirit Veterans Team Spirit

Phoenix Business Journal this week named Spirit Electronics as the #10 largest Veteran-Owned business in the City of Phoenix. Our CEO Marti McCurdy, a US Air Force veteran, leads the company, but a heavy veteran team presence also helps drive Spirit’s mission and business growth.

Spirit’s value-added services and supply chain support in aerospace and defense includes delivering qualified high-reliability electronics to the military and prime contractors. While supporting this business mission, we also want to honor the veteran experiences and personal sacrifices that drive our team to succeed.

Our Veteran Experience in Military Service

Spirit CEO Marti McCurdy is a proud veteran of the US Air Force. But our experience in service gives us more than a small business boost. Our veterans have come from all branches of the military, with experience in aircraft to ground missions. We have always found our veterans bring an expert mindset to our business with tactical understanding of product safety and reliability, standards compliance and product requirements. Our veterans know first-hand why their team roles matter to the mission on the front lines.

Continuing to Support Military Programs: the F-35 Lightning II

Our components support mission-critical operations on the ground and in the air, with aircraft like the F-35 Lightning II elite fighter jet. Telling the story of her transition out of the Air Force, Marti explained, “I got out and thought, where are the F-111s? What am I going to do?”

This is one reason why our veterans excel in our aerospace and defense business—we continue to put their technical and hands-on potential to use in direct support of customer programs like the F-35. Spirit supplies components for the programmatic gate array for the F-35 avionics systems. Over 17 Spirit staff members support this program, including Warehouse Manager Jeremy Rolin, who previously supported the F-35 through aircraft maintenance in the US Air Force.

Spirit is one of 1,800 companies that support the F-35 Lightning II production line, and the program brings over $1 billion into our local Arizona economy. Read more about the F-35 Lightning II program.

Supporting Veterans in Our Civilian Workforce

Our veteran staff know the stress involved in career transitions. In fact, knowing how to prioritize, brush off stress, and focus on the team goal is one of the reasons we love our veteran hires. Marti sat down with our veteran team on our podcast to talk about the transition from military to civilian career and how to navigate it successfully.

Marine Corps veteran Thomas Stewart, who manages Spirit’s SMI programs, explained “You deal with a lot of stress in the military, and you’ll deal with a different stress when you get out. I think you have to focus on what you need to do. You learn that in the military, and you learn how to prioritize and focus on how to get the job done.”

“You deal with a lot of stress in the military, and you’ll deal with a different stress when you get out. I think you have to focus on what you need to do. You learn that in the military, and you learn how to prioritize and focus on how to get the job done.”

Spirit Finance Director Chris Sinerius, said he went from operations superintendent in charge of 170 team members to a staff accountant making $15 an hour in charge of nobody. “I think that’s the biggest challenge for a lot of folks is accepting that it’s a start over and that you have to work your way up again, being willing to find those new skills to adapt to the market.”

How can we help our veterans make the transition to a civilian career more easily? Warehouse Manager Jeremy Rolin, who just completed 22 years of service with the Air Force and now works with Team Spirit explains “Spirit actually makes it a little bit easier. The culture was definitely similar but different, in many ways.”  Supportive team culture, common goals, and the openness to learning more about military experience and culture have helped our veteran and civilian teammates work together.

Spirit: Behind the Screen podcast

Spirit Veterans on our Podcast

Listen to interviews with Spirit's Veteran team members on our Spirit: Behind the Screen podcast. Episode 15 talks with many of our veterans about their transition to civilian careers. Episode 21 talks with teammate Zac Scott as he heads out on active deployment.

We are also no strangers to reserve and guard activations. Many veterans continue to serve while also holding down a civilian career, and activations and deployments can add to the stress and transitions they experience. Our former teammate Zac Scott is currently on deployment and spoke with Marti about transitioning before he left on deployment. “This is actually my first corporate job ever,” Zac said. “ I would say coming in here and being welcomed with open arms—that was amazing. It was a hit the ground running and hey, what do you need for us to help you start learning and be an effective member of the team.”

Spirit Gives Foundation Supports Veterans and Their Families

Being no stranger to the stress of the military, the transitions from duty stations or to civilian life, we created a nonprofit foundation Spirit Gives to extend support to veteran families in our community. Our growing foundation wants to reach families in our area who need support to juggle work, life demands, and their children’s needs.

Spirit Gives holds seasonal donation drives and fundraisers to offer support with basic everyday needs like electric bills, school supplies, and mentorship time. For our current campaigns, visit SpiritGives.org.

Honoring Your Service this Veteran’s Day

To celebrate Veteran’s Day 2021, we want thank all of the military veterans on Team Spirit. Your hard work and experiences enrich our mission and help us continue to serve the aerospace and defense industry. We are grateful to you, to the veterans in our families, and to the veterans in our community for your service.

MilesTek Vacuum-Rated Cable Assemblies for Space Applications @ Spirit Electronics

MilesTek TVAC Cable Assemblies Vacuum-Rated Space

A satellite orbiting Earth every 90 seconds cycles from extreme heat to extreme cold temperatures over and over. Whether you’re building a satellite for low-Earth orbit or an assembly for deeper space missions, temperatures, radiation, and the environmental vacuum of space pose unique challenges to electronic assemblies.

MilesTek has designed and produced a range of vacuum-rated cable assemblies tested and qualified to perform in this exact harsh space environment. With the fast-paced shift to commercial and New Space programs, cost-effective assemblies ready to perform in space aren’t just for NASA anymore.

Outgassing and Vacuum Testing

MilesTek made its vacuum-rated cable assemblies with NASA and space applications in mind. The assembly materials must pass testing and meet long-standing requirements for outgassing and total mass loss before they are launched on a satellite.

As with other components, the loss of air pressure in the vacuum of space combined with extremely high and low temperatures can force small amounts of gas out of component materials. Even small amounts of gas in that environment can condense on sensors, lenses, and mirrors to impair visibility or performance.

To prevent outgassing, MilesTek tests its cable assemblies in a thermal vacuum chamber. After cycling the materials through extreme temperatures and vacuum conditions, total mass loss (TMP) measurements are made. Cable assemblies must meet NASA requirements for both outgassing and TML to be considered vacuum-rated. These assemblies perform in temperatures from -55° C to 200°C.

The Full Assembly: Cables, Jackets, and Connectors

As a vacuum-rated cable assembly, every part must be capable of supporting performance. MilesTek’s assemblies include the cable, with special jacketing, and the connector.

For mil-aero applications, MilesTek cables use a twinaxial design with an impedance of 78 ohms. The cable is protected by a UV-resistant PFA jacket to achieve the extreme temperature performance. MilesTek offers four different connector options that use bayonet and threaded mounts to keep cables connected through shock and vibration.

Delivering to Meet the Pace of Space

With new commercial and low-Earth orbit space and new space programs competing for launch schedules, we hear from our customers about the challenges of keeping up with production pace. Current supply chain demands are also pushing out lead times for other space components. But MilesTek’s production model makes sure cable assemblies are in stock and ready for same-day shipping.

Spirit Electronics is MilesTek’s only authorized U.S. distribution partner. With access to MilesTek stock and the ability to manage your component pipeline ahead of your production demands, Spirit can deliver vacuum-rated cable assemblies along with your full bill of materials. For more interconnect products available through Spirit Electronics, download the MilesTek product catalog.

TI Space Enhanced Plastic Rad-Tolerant Products Offer Ready-to-Use Space-Grade Solution

TI Space EP @ Spirit rad-tolerant space grade for New Space applications

A new space race is taking off, and Texas Instruments’ space-grade rad-tolerant Space Enhanced Plastics (Space EP) line is positioned to meet New Space mission needs. With private and commercial companies launching space programs and satellite constellations that build on decades of NASA experience, design, and range, we are seeing our customers’ launch schedules and builds pick up speed.

Unlike the deep space missions of the past, our customers are innovating New Space applications for low Earth orbit (LEO) with shorter mission life. But with the influx of innovation comes tight launch schedules and competitive component markets. Customers are weighing decisions to cut production costs and explore commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) alternatives to space-grade components.

New Space Program Risks and Challenges

Spirit’s new test lab and value-added screening services come with decades of experience in radiation and QMLV testing. We know upscreening COTS components poses a significant failure risk. Component failures can delay build and launch schedules, add significant cost to replace parts or even cause full mission failure if a satellite fails in orbit.

This is where TI’s Space Enhanced Plastics line offers a ready-to-use option for reliable space-grade performance. TI already has extensive QMLV product expertise and knows that New Space demands performance while also keeping production competitive, agile, and fast. TI Space EP products mitigate the risk and meet New Space mission goals. You don’t have to sacrifice reliability to meet budget.

Spirit: Behind the Screen podcast

Texas Instruments Space EP: Rad-Tolerant Products for New Space and LEO Missions

Listen to Marti's interview with TI's GM of A&D Gary Reichmuth on this Spirit: Behind the Screen podcast episode. This deep dive on the Space EP product line covers TI's comprehensive product quals and the importance of radiation lot acceptance testing.

Qualified and Reliable Space-Grade Screening

TI Space EP products come with radiation screening, thermal cycling and outgassing right out of the box. There is no need to perform any additional screening. Because TI performs all screening as the OEM, your components arrive with lot data and documentation with full traceability.

In LEO applications, components quickly cycle from hot to cold environments as they orbit the Earth. TI’s parametric testing is performed at room and high temperatures with guard banding for cold temperatures. Products come with 100% temperature cycle characterized to the military temperature range of -55° to over 125°.

Outgassing is performed to ASTM E595, which is essential for plastic packaging that introduces organic compounds. In a space environment, these compounds have the potential to outgas and negatively impact component performance. This is especially true in optics where condensation can obscure lenses and affect sensors.

Plastic Packaging and Material Quality in Space

Plastic packaging offers significant advantages in New Space. Instead of hermetically sealed ceramic, plastic allows more design options and smaller sizing. Plastic reduces product costs without compromising performance. In fact, in our recent podcast interview with TI, GM Gary Reichmuth explained that plastic improves performance because it doesn’t have degradation due to the parasitic loss associated with ceramic packaging.

Plastic isn’t the only material advantage in Space EP products. TI uses gold bond wire to avoid the risks of copper wire. And while pure tin is common in COTS parts, TI Space EP uses less than 97% tin terminations and internal materials to mitigate the risk of whiskering in harsh space environments.

TI Space EP production uses one wafer fab, assembly site, and material set to offer the best control and traceability of materials. While avoiding the variations possible with multiple fabs and sources, this control also allows TI to perform radiation lot acceptance testing on every wafer lot.

Radiation Characterization and Rad-Tolerant Solutions

While radiation hardening is a hallmark in high-reliability, this can add significant expense to any space-grade component. But rather than compromise reliability, TI’s Space EP line considers the shorter mission life span and lower cumulative radiation environment of LEO missions. The result is radiation-tolerant products, characterized with radiation lot acceptance testing (RLAT) to 20 krad. TI tests both the total ionizing dose as well as single event latch up to 43 MeV.

In TI’s experience, radiation performance can vary from lot to lot but also from wafer to wafer inside a lot. TI performs radiation characterization across each lot to avoid this variation, further reducing failure risks. In comparison, COTS products and other manufacturers may only trace back to the wafer lot.

Products in the Space EP Line

The Space EP product family currently includes

data converters, power devices, comparators, transceivers, digital isolators, current sense amplifiers, RF synthesizers, linear and low-dropout regulators and supervisors. New space-grade products are expected to release in the next 12-18 months, offering an even wider variety of plastic options available to the New Space industry.

TI Space EP @ Spirit Electronics: TI's Only Authorized SDB Reseller

Spirit is uniquely positioned as TI’s only authorized SDB reseller, and we offer award-winning experience managing full BOM, logistics, and program support for LEO space programs. For agile production and build timelines, we can manage your component pipeline to make sure you launch on time and meet your mission goals. TI’s Space EP rad-tolerant products are reliable and high quality out of the box, and Spirit can get that box to you.

Laura Bowling Retires, Celebrating 29 Years Working at Spirit Electronics

Laura Bowling Retires after 29 years with Spirit

Every employer dreams of retaining star employees for their whole career, but we really think it was Laura who decided to keep us. Over time, Spirit has changed, shifted gears, and started to grow exponentially. Being our constant, and the keeper of our history, loyalty, and values, Laura’s hard work and heart for service have given us our team foundation.

Laura started with Spirit Electronics in March 1992. Our business was conducted by phone and over fax machines. When customers ordered parts, POs were sent and received by fax, and then Laura and the team had to track them manually. Customer requirements were fewer, and the DOD had just decided to open up the military supply chain to using commercial off-the-shelf parts with upscreening.

Following the growth and changes of the industry, the Spirit team grew up and down with the ups and downs of the market. Laura and team responded to challenges like counterfeit prevention, cybersecurity implementation, and supply chain delays. Laura saw Spirit through our AS9100 Quality Management certification. In her podcast interview, she says “It’s quality every day, and that’s infused into everyone here at Spirit.” Laura remembers with a laugh how a warehouse employee suddenly moved to Texas, and all the AS9100 preparation materials disappeared with her.

Laura has many stories of our small business challenges. But even though small, Spirit still kept up with industry trends toward automation and improvement. While shifts to customer portals, emails, and automation have streamlined the industry, Laura does miss the personal interaction pre-automation. Laura has represented every one of our prime customer accounts at one point in her career, as well as supporting many other smaller customers.

Laura helped to implement our ERP system, JDE Edwards, to manage ordering and inventory. It was a rocky start with such a massive system, but Laura says she’s been impressed with it. “There was a lot of behind the scenes to get that updated,” says Laura, “but now we’re actually beginning to dive into it more, and I see great things for Spirit because we have JDE.”

The last 4 years have seen major shifts in Spirit’s business. CEO Marti McCurdy acquired the company, and our team has moved to a larger renovated facility, adding test services and contract manufacturing to our long-standing distribution business. “It’s been insane growth,” says Laura, “but good growth.”

Sticking with us for so long, Laura has really set the tone for our team with her hard work and dedication. What’s kept her motivated? “Supporting the troops, and supporting the vision our customers have for new directions,” says Laura. “We support their mission.” Supply chain delays and challenges have made this hard, and often all Laura could do was look for the best solution for her customers. But Laura’s determination has earned Spirit awards for multiple years running from customers like Raytheon and Boeing.

Join us in sending Laura off with well wishes on our LinkedIn page.

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